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‘As Good As Can Be’ by William A. Glass

At first, I was interested in the setting. Too many kids (five of them) in this family. Dave Knight’s father is an alcoholic army officer and the wife is trying to hold it all together.

I liked the start but wasn’t sure where this book was going. I would call it a coming-of-age novel but it’s more like lots of stories that never fully tie together. So that’s why I kind of lost interest about halfway into the book.

Mostly you have this large dysfunctional family moving around a lot just as one would expect from an Army family. The kids fight each other a lot.

The only child that appears to make something of himself is Dan even if he was slacking the entire time. We’re not sure what happens to all his siblings. We know one dies and his mother passes away.
So at times the story works for me and other times not so much.