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‘Coronaverse’ by David Winship

This book has short little moments and poetry about everyone’s favorite virus. Yes, that one that made everyone wish they had never seen 2020.

The problem with this book is that it’s coming out to a time when the virus is still in the daily headlines. It’s way too soon. People are sick of talking about it (at least I am anyway) so why would I want to read about it now?

Now onto the book. Instead of pointing out the crazy toilet paper buying or how people cover up in everything from plastic wrap to gas masks well sadly this book feels like it’s trying to lecture me on the facts of the virus. Case in point where it came from and about the new vaccines. If I wanted this I’d just turn on the daily MSM.

In the middle of this book, we talked about BLM. Why BLM is in the middle of a book about the beer bug I will never know but it’s there.

This leads to the biggest problem this book has in that it has a lot of false information in it. By now I’ve noticed that almost every book seems to bring up Donald Trump in their books no matter what. The problem is that both times he’s brought up both lies have already been disproven. Also, why is ‘storming the capital’ even brought up? And the lie that it was his supporters doing the storming gets pushed again. But I have noticed with most books if you repeat a lie so many times until you hope it sticks.